I hope you enjoyed the eclipse yesterday. For us in Windsor-Tecumseh-Lakeshore, being kept in the dark is nothing new to us. Justin Trudeau and Irek Kusmierczyk have not allowed us to see the battery Plant contract, even though we have $15 BILLION of our money into it. We can only assume that’s because it’s a lousy deal for us the taxpayers, but a great deal for LG, Northstar and Stellantis. I hope and pray that this initiative will bring many well paid jobs to our community, and I will do all I can if selected as your new representative in Ottawa to make it a success.
But a change is coming. Just as the eclipse plunged many into darkness, we had trust and faith that the sun will indeed shine again over our community. It will soon be time for a new eclipse when Kusmierczyk locally and Trudeau nationally are cast into the shadows of political obscurity. I hope to be your chosen candidate.
The net is closing around the corrupt government that is taxing us in every conceivable way it can invent. Primarily because with government, corporate and household debt we are approximately $10.5 TRILLION in debt. Our national interest payments are circa $50 BILLION annually. There is even talk that the government in secret is looking at ways to tax the free equity in your home.
Our RCMP have been shamed into doing their job and start investigating the corruption. The WE Charity scandal won’t go away, neither will the SNC Lavalin affair. Top ArriveScam contractor GC Strategies found in contempt of Parliament for withholding information. Now the witness will be hauled before the House and forced to answer questions; something that hasn’t happened in over 100 years. An historic level of corruption. New intelligence documents published by the federal foreign interference inquiry raise questions about the conclusions of former Governor General David Johnston’s probe into the issue. Johnston, whom Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed a special rapporteur on foreign interference, ruled out calling a public inquiry last May. Had Johnston’s recommendation been accepted, a trove of national security documents released this week by the Foreign Interference Commission would have never seen the light of day.
Therefore, it may well be that the next federal election will be sooner than we expect. Here in Windsor-Tecumseh-Lakeshore we have not yet chosen a federal candidate to run for the CPC. I am applying for that job and asking for your support.
It will be the riding’s CPC membership that chooses who they want to represent them. So, I ask you to do 2 things. Firstly, see the following page on my website and then hit the link to join the party as a member, in order to have a valuable invitation to hear each candidate applicant speak and take questions from the floor. Then select on your ballot at that meeting who you believe has the best chance of unseating Irek Kusmierczyk. https://victorgreenformp.ca/why-vote-for-victor/
Kind personal regards,
Victor Green