The number of people accessing a food bank in Ontario increased by 38 percent from the previous year, making this the single largest single-year increase ever recorded by Ontario’s food bank network.
The Liberal Government think Canadians are stupid
Canadians are angry. They thought they voted in a Government that would be fiscally responsible. But families and seniors are suffering. This is not taxing the rich, they are taxing people like you. They change the verbage from carbon TAX to carbon price. They call rebates a “climate action incentive.” They “say” they are penalizing people who have bigger houses and fancier cars.
Social Media is lighting up with angry Canadians


Imagine being 76 years old and living in a minivan parked in a lot in Windsor, Ontario. Because of the high cost of living and ever increasing carbon tax, seniors are being found sleeping in vehicles or seeking a bed at local shelters.
Sandra Curley was 71 years old and lost her house due to a fire. Her and her husband had to sleep rough due to not having anywhere else to go. It took months before they were found an apartment that they could afford. In the meantime, her husband died in an accident, before they could move into the apartment. But Sandra struggled on her own, and depended on meals at the Downtown Mission and the foodbank. She was diabetic and food banks did not always have what she needed to eat. Sadly she died alone in January of this year in her apartment and was not found for two days. There was no funeral, and no obituary for this woman.

248,430 Meals a year are served at Windsor Downtown Mission
More people are seeking churches and shelters in order to eat a decent meal. Many are on ODSP, and can barely pay for rent. Windsor Downtown Mission is one place that has seen a huge increase in the number of people who depend on them for meals. On one visit I was able to speak to several regular clients of the Mission. They said they would probably die if they did not get their meals there. ODSP barely covers their rent, and none of these people have a car because they could not afford one.
Windsor Downtown Mission provides 608 meals a day!! Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Windsor Downtown Mission also has a food bank where the lineups for food are growing. As most people that I have spoken to have said, they never imagined in their senior years that they would be depending on charity, living out of a car or van, or sleeping in a shelter. All because of the rising costs, ever increasing carbon tax increases, and no affordable housing
Irek Kusmierczyk, Liberal MP for Windsor-Tecumseh is asking parents (taxpayers) to pay for childrens meals in school
Read the third line of this paid ad in the Windsor Star
“Sometimes it’s Moms and Dads scrambling to balance work and time”.
That is what Irek said. Ask yourself why they are scrambling. Maybe because both parents are working, many with more than one job, and have two cars because they do not work in the same city. What about the increasing cost of the Carbon Tax, and the tax on that tax that they have to pay to get to work. It hurts parents who have to commute to work, it hurts when they get their utility bill, it hurts financially when they go grocery shopping. These parents are constantly juggling with the increase in costs to raise a family. So Irek Kusmierczyk (Liberal MP for the Windsor Tecumseh riding used tax payers money to have a poster made, and the ad on the Windsor Star was paid by you (the taxpayer)
He then goes on to say it will help families immediately with the cost of groceries??
Please explain to Canadians how you, the Liberals, are raising the Carbon Tax again + you gave yourselves a nice raise
But now you are proposing another social program when it was the Liberals that caused this problem. At no time would anyone suggest not feeding children, but how did parents get in this situation. Eight years of Liberals and no fiscal responsibility.
- Where is the money coming from for this program?
- How much will this program cost?
- Will you increase taxes to pay for this program? Will you be asking for money from the Municipality and the Province?
- Now you want to help local farmers? Why are we importing tomatoes from Mexico when we have one of the largest fertile farming districts right here? But now you say you are going to buy from them?
We ask this question as Canadians are still in shock on how much the Liberals approved for the Arrive Can app. $59.5 million!! The Auditor General is quoted as saying they will never know the full amount because of poor financial record-keeping. Not surprising, since 2007/08, combined federal and provincial net debt (inflation-adjusted) has roughly doubled from $1.1 trillion to a projected $2.1 trillion in 2022/23 under the Liberal Government.

According to data from the Canadian Income Survey, the proportion of families who were food insecure in the 12 months preceding the survey increased from 16% in 2021 to 18% in 2022. Among those at highest risk of food insecurity were single mothers, Indigenous families, and Black families.

Homelessness has increased across Canada in recent years. A study of 11 Canadian communities conducted by Richter’s group found that chronic homelessness had increased 40 per cent between February 2020 and October 2023.

On a global scale, poverty is one of the most significant root causes of homelessness which is on the rise. Stagnant wages, unemployment, and high housing and healthcare costs all play into poverty. And NOW we have the increasing CARBON TAX. The biggest problem is that Canadians are unable to afford essentials like housing, food, education, and more greatly increases a person’s or family’s risk.
Financial challenges are the leading cause of homelessness
In the fall of 2022, almost half (44.0%) of Canadians were extremely concerned with their household’s ability to afford housing/mortgage or rent. So, it comes as no surprise that the most reported reason leading to homelessness was financial issues (41.8%). Many are one pay check away from losing their home or being evicted.

According to data from 2022, over 5 million Canadians (18%) aged 15 and older met the diagnostic criteria for a mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder in the previous 12 months. The prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in Canada increased from 2012 to 2022. The increase in these disorders stems from not being able to find affordable housing, increase in Carbon Taxes, cost of groceries, utilities and gas for cars.
When is enough, enough?
How To Be a Voice for the most vulnerable
- Election time is 2025 ~ remember who was responsible for the Carbon Tax increases
- Talk to people in your community who are applying to be candidates. They want to be chosen as the next candidate for the party who wants to axe the tax.