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Immigration in Canada
For its 2024-2026 targets, the government of Canada has announced that, following the trajectory of its 2023-2025 plan, it will aim to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, 500,000 in 2025 and plateau at 500,000 in 2026.

There are two types of immigration:
Controlled is when people apply, from their country of origin, using the proper channels. These people normally have skills or capital (or both) to bring with them, which would be an asset to Canada. We absolutely need this type of
immigrant for a multitude of reasons.
Mass uncontrolled immigration is where people get into the Canada, by fair means or foul, with the blessing of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and his NDP puppets, with the intention to remain here without prior permission to do so. There are several terms used for people who enter Canada illegally. Refugees, Economic Migrants, Illegal Immigrants and Illegal aliens to name but a few. Victor’s personal viewpoint is that he does not blame any of these people from coming to Canada. Victor states, “If I lived in a third world poverty-stricken country, I would probably curse my luck and do everything in my power to get to somewhere where I could have the chance to grow and prosper.”
Canadians are always ready and willing to help those in need. We have a strong history in that regard. We also like to live in peace so that we can raise our families and prosper. We are happy to do that alongside people who have come here and learn our language and contribute to our communities and adopt our way of life. We also live in harmony and peace with the indigenous people whose ancestors were here long before us. Victor acknowledges that Canada is a patchwork quilt of different peoples bringing a rich diversity to the nation.
All newcomers to Canada should take on the strong Canadian culture. To become a Canadian citizen, Victor believes an individual must have been in Canada for at least 5 continuous years, with 2 weeks leave for foreign travel annually. Also, five years continuous tax returns will also have have been filed. Strict testing on either the English or French language is spoken, read and written must be passed, so that an applicant for citizenship can be understood. Any criminal activity whereby they are found guilty of during this period prior to citizenship would result in serving any awarded sentence and/or immediate deportation
Victor proudly displays this certificate from
The Multicultural Council of Windsor & Essex County for contributions to the Windsor Community
The Conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre spoke very well on the subject of immigration.
Let’s examine what the United Nations define as a Refugee
The refugee definitions are declaratory, i.e. people are to be regarded as refugees until it is determined otherwise, and apply in all situations including emergencies. Therefore by United Nations Law, we have no alternative to calling people refugees that arrive here via the uncontrolled immigration method.
The UN requires Canada
To ensure that refugee protection is afforded to all refugees and asylum-seekers, i.e. those who have been determined as refugees and those who await determination of their refugee status.
What this means, is that if someone can get to Canada from wherever in the world, and declares themselves to be a refugee. We cannot deny them entry by law and have to accommodate and look after them until such times as we can determine the legitimacy of their refugee status claim. Canada cannot exert her own authority and sovereignty on the illegal immigrant crisis while we are a member of the UN. Is it any wonder why Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis calls for
Canada’s withdrawal from the United Nations?
Many pro- United Nations people would have you believe that membership of the UN guarantees peace and protection through member states. This is a fallacy. The UN has no pact for military help between nations. The only organisation that does that is NATO, (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which Canada is a member of and which Victor is a proud member and supporter of the NATO Veterans Association. What we can do, is process refugee claims much quicker than we do now. The benefit of that to a genuine refugee is enormous. All the stress and uncertainty for them will be over and they will be able to really become engaged in our society under the status of permanent Residents. The current wait time to process a refugee claim is circa 2 years. Even if the claim is denied, a claimant can appeal which would add another 12 months. Many thousands are not genuine refugees and know how to exploit our system as well as our generosity. A recent case of a Ugandan claimant on the eve of being deported, identified as gay and said he would be persecuted or even killed if returned to Uganda. He is here indefinitely now. There is no doubt that our system is open to abuse. Perhaps we should look at Australia’s immigration laws. Australia remains one of the hardest countries to emigrate to.
When things are prosperous in Canada again, like they were in the time before Justin Trudeau and the Lib/NDP alliance, we should help those who are less fortunate than ourselves, as we have always willingly done so in the past. But at this time, government debt, corporate debt and household debt is at an all-time high of over $10 TRILLION. We simply can’t afford to take people in, feed them and house them in hotels, when many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet and find affordable housing. The saying “Charity begins at home” springs to mind. The woke left liberals propped up by the radical left NDP would just open the doors and let everyone in at the taxpayer’s expense.
Printing more money to pay for them, which in turn is inflationary for all Canadians. If we don’t put a stop to this uncontrolled mass immigration encouraged by the Liberals and NDP, we may find ourselves in a position like New York City, who are sending schoolchildren home to be home schooled, so that their school building can be used to shelter illegal immigrants. Even though some Canadians may find this topic unpleasant, the failing Liberal status quo is no longer acceptable in light of the institutional failures on all fronts, the generations being left without homes and hope, and the millions of sick people getting sicker on wait lists every day. The fact is, that Canada’s dual housing and healthcare issues cannot be resolved without bringing our skyrocketing immigration targets back to earth.
The population of Canada is expanding considerably faster than the labour market can accommodate, and rising immigration rates are in excess of employment growth and driving up inflation. An estimated one million new permanent residents, temporary foreign workers, and international students move to Canada for every 100,000 homes that are now being built here. How on earth are we to be expected to ensure that everyone has a roof over their head?
This looks like a great solution from Pierre Poilievre What we must do, is quickly determine who is a genuine refugee and expel those who are here for a free ride. We must also try and help the desperately poor people where they are, ensuring that whatever aid we give doesn’t go to a corrupt regime or dictator.
Watch this famous short gumball video by Roy Beck which will explain our current situation ending with a perfect and simple FOUR WORD solution to Canadas’ immigrant crisis.