Inflation is nothing more than an insidious tax. Don’t believe it for a moment when Justin Trudeau or his local puppet Liberal MP Irek Kusmierczyk tells you they are working hard to bring inflation down. This government loves inflation because of the revenue it generates. For example, if you bought $100 worth of goods, the HST at 13% would be $13.00.
If inflation increased your $100 worth of goods to $200. then that would cost $26.00 in tax.
There are 2 main methods the government uses of measuring inflation. The first is called “Core Inflation.” Core inflation is the change in the costs of goods and services, but it does not include those from the food and energy sectors. Annual core inflation rate in Canada slowed to 1.6% in April of 2024, the lowest level in three years and from 2% in March. The Trudeau government likes to use “Core Inflation” as their preferred measurement, but only when it suits them. Many millions of Canadians don’t believe the government’s published (core inflation) figures, because they can see for themselves, how prices are increasing, every time they are at the gas station or the supermarket.

The Bank of Canada aims to keep inflation at the 2 per cent midpoint of an inflation-control target range of 1 to 3 per cent. The inflation target is expressed as the year-over-year increase in the total consumer price index (CPI). It is important to remember, that The Bank of Canada is meant to be an independent institution, i.e. not influenced by Trudeau’s government. Not many people today believe that there are any Canadian institutions left, of an independent nature. The bank’s method of measuring inflation is using The Consumer Price Index (CPI). It is important to remember that the CPI does include items such as food, housing, transportation, furniture, clothing, recreation, and other items. Under normal circumstances, this would be an inflation figure that we the people could buy into and accept as true. Because it includes items we are constantly paying more and more for. However, the Bank is able to “look through” temporary changes in total CPI and focus on the underlying trend of inflation. The bank can ignore huge gouging price increases from food, housing, transportation, furniture, clothing, recreation, and other items by categorizing them as “temporary.” In this sense, these core measures of inflation only act as an operational guide to help the Bank achieve the total CPI inflation target. Basically, the bank, (under Trudeau’s influence) is able to deploy “Smoke and Mirrors” to hide the true inflation figure from the people. This measure of inflation is referred to as “CPI Trim”.
This is a measure of inflation from 2015 to 2022 under Trudeau, which includes many of the items of which are hurting Canadian pocketbooks so much, but are items excluded by the government’s inflation figures after 2022. This example only goes as far as 2022, as no government inflation figures after that year can be believed anymore.

Here are some items which should be included in the inflation figures today. When have we ever seen this much of an increase in our lifetime? Have you been tracking your grocery bill? What about shrinkflation? Send me some examples of what you have seen that has shrunk or they have changed the description like the sample below.

As a nation, we in Canada have been put into a position where many independent analysts believe is one of “Hyper Inflation”. We have a government that has little or no idea how to control it, other than to squeeze the population into clutching whatever little money they have close to their chests and not spending. The government seems unable to see the consequences of business bankruptcies and increasing unemployment. We here in the riding of Windsor Tecumseh Lakeshore have the highest unemployment rate in Canada. The Windsor Star reporting that almost half of downtown office space is sitting empty. It has been said that one man’s price rise is another man’s pay rise, and one man’s pay rise is another man’s price rise. Few people outside The Windsor area understand the correlation between the money supply and local prices. We can all remember that when the auto sector Big 3 negotiated a new contract and the hourly rate went up, it brought millions of dollars more in paychecks into our community, but with it prices for everything went up overnight. For everyone, even those not employed in the auto sector. Yet the government is doing the same nationally by increasing the money supply by printing it vigorously 24/7. Unfortunately, spending it on unnecessary items that we can’t afford, such as foreign aid, housing illegal immigrants in hotels and corporate subsidies for (unmonitored result) climate change like this: This is larger than the Arrivescam and the Wee charity scandal combined.
Now as a nation, thanks to Trudeau, we are in debt to the tune of $1.4 TRILLION. This is a bigger debt amount than was created by every single Prime Minister combined from John A. McDonald up to Trudeau. And now 24% of Canadians are experiencing food shortage or food insecurity. Our interest payments are circa $50 BILLION yearly. So tax is of vital importance, Trudeau needs every dime he can get from you, to keep his head above water. Look what one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century said about raising taxes to generate prosperity:

Things are indeed getting desperate in government circles. Drastic measures are being contemplated. Your own home
has always been your tax free castle. It is strongly rumored that this might no longer be the case soon. To tax the free
equity in a persons home would be nothing more than political suicide for any government. But desperate times call for
desperate measures. It is expected that the liberals and the NDP would introduce this drastic measure only AFTER they
secure a majority at the next election.

Canadian food bank system on the brink of collapse
Recent studies have revealed an increase of suicides are linked to food insecurity. Many people in our community have to choose between paying bills or buying groceries. Are you in that situation? If so please message me via my website and tell me about it.
As a nation, we are in a complete mess, exacerbated by our two complicit uncaring local MP’s. Irek Kusmierczyk (Liberal) and Brian Masse (NDP) Masse has been an MP for 22 years and we are seeing a steady decline in this area. If you previously voted for either of those MP’s before you need to ask them what are they doing about it. Our ridings do not need election promises, they need a clean sweep and vote someone in who will make a difference.
Are you ready to support me at the Conservative (federal) candidacy nomination for Windsor-Tecumseh-Lakeshore, and then at the ballot box? Message me and let me know your thoughts.
The Liberal / NDP plan is simple.
- Keep the public in the dark about the true rate of inflation.
- Keep collecting the recently introduced increased rates of capital gains tax.
- Keep increasing the unpopular Carbon Tax, and misleading the people that the rebates are higher than the cost.
- Get as much good news out to the people as possible via the bought off puppet media. Even if that “good news” is not entirely accurate.
- Keep filling the leadership roles in every institution with woke radical left supporters. Such as the judiciary, universities and schools to name a few.
They will also reduce interest rates significantly just prior to calling an election, and hope and pray that they can still keep the people misled until then.