Why vote for Victor Green?
Victor is one of several applicants who are interested in being the official Federal Conservative candidate for the next election.
In the riding of Windsor-Tecumseh at the beginning of the 2021 campaign, there was no candidate for the CPC. But three quarters through the 2021 election campaign a Windsor-Tecumseh CPC candidate was announced. Far too late to be effective, and supporting Erin O’Toole’s “Liberal Lite” platform. Victor was the only candidate who represented traditional Conservative values (as a PPC candidate) even before the campaign period started. There being no conservative candidate running, and without one on the near horizon, many traditional conservatives in the early ballots and the mail in ballots voted for Victor as the closest thing resembling a true conservative with traditional conservative values. Victor’s campaign was also very successful in that it resonated with disenchanted traditional Liberal and NDP voters. Those voters realised that their parties (Liberal and NDP) bore little or no resemblance to the party of yester-year that they had traditionally supported. Interestingly, Victor’s campaign was also successful in reaching local residents who had either never voted or had not done so for many years. He was particularly pleased to penetrate the apathy and feeling of hopelessness, by engaging and bringing these non-voters back into the democratic process by exercising their right to vote. It was felt by many, including the local media, that Victor’s campaign was trending upwards at such an accelerating rate, that it was possible that he could have taken the seat, by being the only candidate in the election promoting traditional common sense Conservative values. Many of Victor’s several thousand supporters from 2021 have indicated that they will be supporting him in the next federal election. This combination of core conservative voters, Victor’s previous supporters plus Victor’s ability to motivate non voters back to the ballot box should be more than enough to bring this seat home for the conservatives after a 93 year absence. A lot has changed over those years. The Unions endorsements of Liberal / NDP election candidates carries far less weight than they used to. Union members are much better educated. The days of being taken for granted and being told who to vote for by a union are long gone. But union brothers and sisters do support each other. Therefore Victor would be the obvious choice to represent the CPC in the next election as he suspects that he would be the only candidate from all the parties, in his working life, who has pulled on a pair of overalls and worked shifts with a union card in his pocket.
During his full 2021 campaign, Victor learned alot about his Liberal opponent Irek Kusmierczyk. He knows Irek’s strengths and weaknesses and is eager to debate him vigorously and professionally on your behalf. Victor wants the CPC members to come out and vote for him as the official candidate in the forthcoming membership candidate selection vote. So please join the Conservative party now it only cost $15.00. It will secure your place at the candidate selection ballot.
For the 2021 election, even before the official campaign period started, they recruited a campaign manager, an official agent, a fundraiser, a lawn sign manager, teams of canvassers (door to door and telephone) social media manager, press officer scrutineers and video production team. Victor and his family were prepared to take on the enormous responsibility to fundraise and team build. Everyone knew their job and what was expected of them. It was hard work and along the way, Victor and his team met many thousands of great people on the journey.
Victor comes with a strong background in financial services, fundraising for charities, and an active member of the Windsor Tecumshe EDA. His highlights are:
- Part of the senior management team of a major financial services company.
- Served as the Chairman of a major Canadian Military supporting Charitable Foundation, raising money for the widows and orphans of Canadian fallen soldiers, and support for the wounded.
- Active member of the local EDA, he undoubtably knows how to get the best out of people he works with. Victor has met many of the members of our local EDA and anticipates that by being appointed as your candidate, he will have the opportunity with their help, to build, direct, motivate and inspire a winning local CPC election team. As Pierre Poilievre says “Bring it Home”
Victor will work diligently to win the seat for Windsor-Tecumseh under Pierre Poilievre’s leadership to return Common Sense to Canada led by The Conservative Party.
We all probably know by now, that our party leader Pierre Poilievre has promised to defund the mainstream media in general, and the CBC in particular. The Liberal party currently donates from tax payers, $1.3 Billion annually to the CBC and $700 Million annually to other media outlets. Victor is in total agreement with Pierre Poilievre on this issue. Therefore, we can safely assume that during the next federal election campaign, we will have very few legacy media friends unless they choose to discontinue being Trudeau’s propaganda puppets and start reporting unbiased on news. There are currently local TV and radio interviewers who would delight in enticing a CPC candidate into what the media would describe as an “Ambush Interview.” Do not underestimate the media interviewers, they are very slick and can make an untrained CPC candidate look stumbling and unsure. Victor has been extensively trained by a prominent Ottawa TV journalist on how to deal with such an ambush interviewer, and come out on top with a positive Conservative Party message, quite like the way Pierre Poilievre does it. Notwithstanding this, Victor has in place his own video production team to assist in his election campaign for the CPC. This would provide Victor’s candidacy with his own video shooting, transitions, direction, lighting, audio, editing, titling and post-production media capabilities. This media would be leveraged into various social media platforms to not only bring home the conservative message to residents of Windsor-Tecumseh, but also to bring home the seat for the Conservative Party to Ottawa.
Victor believes he can win this seat of Windsor-Tecumseh in the cause of freedom, democracy, fiscal responsibility and good common sense. He fully intends to vigorously debate the incumbent Liberal MP and any NDP candidate during the next election campaign. Victor guarantees they will not have such an easy time as they did debating in the 2021 Chamber of Commerce sponsored televised debate. If you are looking for a strong leader in Ottawa, as well as an approachable caring local MP who lives right here in your community, then Victor is asking the Windsor-Tecumseh riding CPC membership to select him as your candidate in the forthcoming candidate MEMBERS ONLY selection vote.
Victor encourages all Windsor-Tecumseh riding voters, who wish him to represent them in Ottawa, to join the CPC Party, if you are not already a member.
You must be a member in order to attend meetings and to vote for a candidate. It will require an annual membership fee of $15.00. Many feel this $15.00 is a small investment to get Canada back into being a caring and respected nation on the world stage led by Pierre Poilievre and The Conservative Party of Canada.
Please share this website and strong message with your friends and family. Let’s bring a strong and free Canada back in the hands of the people.
**To vote for me as your candidate, you have to have been a party member for at least 21 days before the membership candidate selection vote. **
Therefore, please join the party as soon as you can, as the candidate selection vote is expected to be during the first quarter of 2024. Not only that, but things are looking more precarious for the LIB/NDP coalition each day, and we never know when or if a snap election will be called. Victor’s motto, “Do it NOW”
To apply for membership go to: Conservative Party
Bring it Home Video